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Role: Lead Game Designer, Lead Game Developer

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Group (# of Members): Hexfork (17)

Genre: Multiplayer, Online, 3D, Top-Down


Food Fight! Fight with Food! Join with your friends to fight each other by building food weapons and armor! Explore endless possibilities as each food item allow different combinations!


- Core system design (Item System, Inventory System, Combination System)

- Level design by placing objects, obstacles, items, and spawn points

- Network replication for online multiplayer on Steam

Process & Documentation

(Click on images to expand.)


Game Design Document

The Game Design Document was created to overview the concepts and designs for the core systems of the game. Some of the concepts, such as food items being combined, were finalized before production. Other concepts such as weapon statistics were discussed with the team to revise and improve. It acted as a general guide for team members to reference, especially for team members who joined mid-production.

Sprint Timeline

The Sprint Timeline was created to plan out the tasks for the team members. I categorized the assignments for different divisions of the team and aligned tasks for individuals specifically. Daily team meetings were held to clarify the tasks and discuss any issues/bugs teammates encountered. I learned to balance the amount of tasks for every week as it is important to respect teammates’ availability.

Item System

Food items are the main items that can be automatically collected throughout the map. They are mainly used to combine into weapons and armor. They were originally not planned for freedom of use, but through feedback we later implemented functions for eating, throwing (attacking), and dropping the food items.

Inventory System

The inventory system is where all the food and combined items are stored. The inventory automatically updates when items are collected or created. Through the inventory, players can use the functions of the food items as well as equip or unequip the combined items. The inventory was designed at the bottom of the screen and half-transparent for the map to be visible.

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Combination System

Combined items are any items that are combined by using the basic food items. There are a total of four types of combined items: weapons, armor, traps, and cuisine. Weapons and armor were designed for basic offense and defense for the game. Traps and cuisine added a more strategic layer to the combat with traps providing debuffs on the opponents and cuisine providing buffs.

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Network Replication

A lot of troubleshooting had to be done for replication as it was using the Steam subserver. First, the game's server and clients had to be connected. After that, I had to make sure that every interactive details, including collision, damage, respawn and items were all being replicated throughout the server. 

 Demo Video

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